WCVM career fair provides critical links to future veterinarians
Interested in hiring a veterinary student or graduate for next spring? Want to make some key connections with Western Canada's future veterinarians?
Veterinary clinics and related businesses from across Western Canada are welcome to participate in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine's (WCVM) Virtual Career Fair, which will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. CST on Wednesday, Sept. 22.
This online event is the ideal opportunity for veterinarians, clinic managers and industry representatives to connect with a wide range of veterinary students. The career fair can help you to:
- hire a summer student
- provide students with mentorship throughout their program
- share future externship and internship opportunities
- promote your business and community to veterinary students
For more information and to register, click here. Deadline to register is 12 noon, Wed., Sept 22. This event is offered free of charge to all registrants.
Questions? Please contact Jackie Bahnmann (jackie.bahnmann@usask.ca).