VMC not accepting dermatology referrals
Until further notice, the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) is not accepting referrals to its veterinary dermatology service.
Members of the VMC clinical team have notified any referred clients who are waiting for an appointment and asked them to contact their regular veterinarian for a new referral.
Current VMC patients that were previously seen through the hospital's dermatology service will be rechecked by the VMC's clinical team.
Immunotherapy prescriptions
With the VMC's dermatology service being unavailable, some clients may have questions about their existing allergen specific immunotherapy prescriptions and how to refill them. Here's some information for referring veterinarians:
- If pets are doing well on immunotherapy and owners wish to continue with this therapy for their animals, prescriptions can be called into the VMC pharmacy. In most instances the prescription will be on file, so veterinarians only need to call the VMC pharmacy and request refills.
- Please allow up to one month for refill prescriptions. In rare instances, the prescription may need to be modified if an allergen is on back order. The VMC's pharmacy service can discuss this with you if this occurs.
If one of your patients does not respond appropriately or has adverse side effects to therapy and further diagnostics or therapies are warranted, please refer your patient to a veterinary dermatologist. Please visit the Canadian Academy of Veterinary Dermatology website to access a directory.
Please contact the VMC pharmacy service (306-966-7120) if you have questions about immunotherapy or to request refills.
Referral appointments: limited availability for selected services
Please note that the following clinical services at the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre have limited availability over the next few months:
- Veterinary dentistry is currently booking appointments into the fall
- Clinical behaviour is not booking appointments during the month of August