January 2022

Frigid temperatures bring special considerations for pet owners — particularly if animals spend a large amount of time outdoors.

February 2022

Mites are microscopic parasites that cause mange. Although dogs and cats are most susceptible to these highly contagious organisms, mites can infect people, horses and other domestic animals.

March 2022

The WCVM’s Veterinary Medical Centre is equipped to provide the highest quality of care during emergencies and to critically ill animals.

April 2022

If you have horses or cattle and dogs, be aware that ivermectin, a common ingredient found in equine and bovine deworming products, can be deadly to some dogs.

May 2022

West Nile virus (WNV) is a mosquito-borne virus that can cause inflammation or swelling of the brain and spinal cord in horses, birds and people.

June 2022

Salmonella Dublin (S. Dublin), a strain of the bacterium Salmonella enterica, is an emerging disease in Canada and a concern for dairy farmers.

July 2022

Cats are especially prone to respiratory infections that spread easily in high-density populations such as shelters, breeding facilities and feral cat colonies.

August 2022

Foxtail barley (foxtail) is a type of perennial grass native to the Prairies. It grows across Canada and typically matures in July.

September 2022

Acute bovine pulmonary emphysema (ABPE) or fog fever is a type of pneumonia that’s often diagnosed in cattle that are moved from dry, overgrazed pasture to lush pasture in the fall.

October 2022

Over half a million dog bites occur each year in Canada and children make up half of the bite victims.

November 2022

Researchers compare equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) to human type 2 diabetes because both are characterized by obesity and insulin resistance.

December 2022

In 2021, Ace was surrendered to the Northern Animal Rescue (NAR) group in La Ronge, Sask.