dog with optic tool over eye
Photo: Christina Weese.

Wait times may be longer for ophthalmology visits

Over the coming months, it will take longer for patients to see a veterinary ophthalmologist at the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre. 

The WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre’s busy veterinary ophthalmology service is operating with one fewer specialist than usual due to consecutive leaves scheduled over the next two years.

The current clinical team consists of one veterinary ophthalmologist along with an ophthalmology resident, a specialty intern and a registered veterinary technologist (RVT). 

The VMC’s ophthalmology service operates on a rotating schedule with an ophthalmologist available for two weeks on/two weeks off. When the specialist is “off clinics,” the ophthalmology service does not see new consults or referrals.

Due to this scheduling, the VMC clinical team cannot guarantee that eye cases will be seen by a veterinary ophthalmologist through emergency services. 

Until further notice, please follow these steps: 

  • Please call the Small Animal Clinic (306-966-7126) in advance before referring urgent or emergent ophthalmology case to the VMC. If a veterinary ophthalmologist is not available at the time, please refer your case to another ophthalmology service in Canada. 
  • Please do not send eye-related referral cases through the VMC’s emergency services without contacting the ophthalmology service in advance. Due to the rotating schedule, the VMC clinical team cannot guarantee that eye-related cases will be seen through the hospital’s emergency services. 
  • If you plan to refer one of your clinic's patients to the ophthalmology service, please alert the patient's owners about the potential wait time for appointments.

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.