VMC invites referring vet clinics to attend online town hall meeting
The WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) invites veterinarians and their clinical staff to attend an online town hall meeting at 6:45 p.m. CST, Tuesday evening, June 21.
Members of the VMC's leadership and clinical team will give updates about the veterinary teaching hospital's operations and plans including the following:
- the VMC's plans to purchase and install a new linear accelerator and the temporary shut down of radiation therapy services
- the VMC's challenges in maintaining full emergency and critical care services due to higher demand for emergency care and limited clinical staff
- upcoming changes in the VMC's leadership team
As well, the meeting will provide referring veterinarians and clinical staff the opportunity to give feedback and to ask questions about the VMC's services.
Since everyone in the veterinary profession is facing similar challenges caused by clinical staff shortages and the greater demand for veterinary services, the VMC also hopes to generate discussion about possible strategies that clinics are using to to deal with these issues.
The VMC team hopes that you and members of your clinical staff can join the following meeting:
WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre
Town hall meeting for referring veterinarians and clinical staff
Time/date: 6:45 p.m. CST (Saskatchewan time), Tuesday, June 21, 2022
Join Zoom Meeting:
Join by Telephone:
Local Saskatoon Zoom Dial-in Number: (639) 638-7474
Other Zoom Dial-in Numbers: https://usask-ca.zoom.us/u/alEJjlv4l
Join by Video Conferencing Device (SIP):
Meeting ID: 963 2111 3476
Passcode: 66386606
Telephone Passcode: 66386606