pregnant mare with foals in background
Advance notice is a necessity for incoming semen shipments to the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre. Photo: Myrna MacDonald.

VMC asks for advance notice on equine semen shipments

If you are making arrangements to ship equine semen to the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) for reproductive services, please ensure that your veterinary clinic alerts the veterinary teaching hospital well in advance.

To ensure that the VMC equine clinical team can effectively track incoming shipments and be prepared, the hospital's Large Animal Clinic has set the following shipping guidelines: 

  • advance notice of at least 24 hours for equine semen shipments coming from breeding farms in Canada
  • advance notice of at least five business days for equine semen shipments coming from breeding farms in the U.S. and other international locations

Please call the WCVM Large Animal Clinic reception desk (306-966-7178) to report an incoming shipment or if you have any questions or concerns with the equine shipment process.