Did you know dogs and cats need blood, too?
Over the past year the WCVM’s Veterinary Medical Centre (VMC) has given more than 200 blood and plasma transfusions — the demand exceeds our current supply.
We are seeking donors for our blood donation program. Please consider enrolling your dog or cat in our blood donor program to help save lives.
Eligible pets

We are seeking donor dogs and cats.
All donors must be:
- healthy, with a friendly temperament
- no history of contagious or serious diseases
- have never received a blood transfusion
- up to date on vaccines
- not fed a raw food diet
- not taking any medications
- One to eight years old
- Lean body weight, greater than five kg (11 lb)
- Easy to handle
- Kept indoors
- All feline blood types needed
- One to eight years old
- Lean body weight, greater than 25 kg (55 lb)
- Females must be spayed
- Easy to handle
- Known travel history
- DEA 1 negative blood type preferred
Time commitment
Scheduled donations occur during regular hours on week days. Donors must be brought to the WCVM Veterinary Medical Centre for the physical examination and blood collection process. Please be aware that the wellness appointment may take up to an hour with the hospital's wellness service team and veterinary students.
After the wellness appointment, blood donor patients remain at the VMC for the day while their blood donation is collected. The VMC clinical team will contact owners once their pets are ready to be picked up.
Donation process
- Pets are weighed
- They will receive a physical examination, then have a small amount of blood drawn for a pre-donation screening
- Cats are sedated while the blood is taken
- If the donor is in good health a small area will be shaved on their neck
- The animal lays on their side and blood is drawn from the jugular vein
- Dogs donate about 450 ml and cats donate about 50 ml. This takes about 10 minutes
- Your pets’ body starts to replace blood cells immediately after donation
- It’s recommended that dogs do not perform any strenuous activity on the day of the donation
- Proper after-care is explained after each visit, and your pets’ red blood cell is checked prior to their next donation
Donor pets receive free vaccines, tick/flea prevention, dewormer, complimentary bloodwork performed yearly and free blood product at the VMC if required.
Get involved
Contact us: pawsblooddonor@usask.ca