Preventing parasites
Regular deworming prevents the growth of harmful parasites in your pet’s stomach or intestines.
Common parasites
Some of the most common parasites or worms that your pet may carry include:
- roundworms
- hookworms
- and tapeworms
- In extreme cases, exposure to these worms could lead to severe blood loss causing anemia, skin damage and diseases of the eyes and heart.
- Your pet’s parasites can also be transferred to children and adults in your home. The most common transmission sources are exposure to infected clothes, utensils or other objects, or through hands that are contaminated by pets’ fecal matter.
- Young children are more at risk of encountering worms transferred from animals because they’re more likely to play in areas where feces may be found.
Parasite prevention
- Routine deworming of your pet is the best way to prevent worm infestations. Deworm your pet at least a few times a year. Younger animals do require more frequent deworming treatments.
- Ask your veterinarian about the deworming option that’s best for your pet. Oral deworming medication is the most common treatment mode, but veterinarians can also give the deworming dose to your pet through a shot.
- Pick up your dog’s feces to help reduce environmental contamination and the risk of exposure to parasites for pets and people.
- Practising good hygiene — such as wearing gloves when handling animal feces — is another good way to prevent transmission. As well, discourage your pet from eating other animals’ feces.